Job training for older youth

Market Aligned Skills Training

This program teaches relevant vocational skills to youth from poor families, which gives them needed opportunities for employment. We offer courses that are of interest to them and also needed in the workplace. Specifically, we teach graphic and print design to youth between 18-24 years of age.

Graduate students from arts and science background who are interested in creative fields such as graphic design, film making, and web design benefit from this course. During the course, the students are provided with internship opportunities.

Impact of the Market Aligned Skills Training (MAST)

During 2017-2018, MAST completed 2 terms with 49 Students. Of these, 70% have been placed in graphic, print and design companies like Photo Express, Fix Group, Digitalizer , Printo and others. Some of the students have begun to work on a freelance basis.

STEP Center

Sparsha Trust has collaborated with Smile Foundation India to create a four months course that mentors students between 18-26 years of age on computer basics, digital literacy, spoken and functional English, personality development and retail management.

Smile’s Twin E-Learning Programme (STEP), located in Yelahanka, is for students who have completed their SSLC, or PUC, or are college dropouts. To date, about 120 students have completed the course, 60% have been placed in jobs and the rest continue with their studies.

Most of the students have been hired in the Consumer Retail Sector, companies like More, Reliance Fresh , Health and Glow, Food World, and Coffee Day.

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