Safe accommodations, food, clothing, medical care and educational support

Shikshana Mitra residential centers

“A friend for education” focuses on children from 6 to 14 years old who are deprived of eduction. We operate two centres in Bangalore for these students who are mostly girls.

We select more highly educated youth in the target community to act as role models at our two centres. These young leaders ensure that every child is enrolled into formal or non-formal schools situated near the centre. They also, conduct tuition classes, motivation classes and other creative classes to help the children to develop.

We initiated our first centre, Shikshana Mitra I in 2009 in the Sanjivininagar area of Bangalore. This area has a significant population of construction labour, domestic labour, and apartment house keeping (contract labour) workers. The children of this community do not find support for education at home, and hence there was a large proportion of school dropouts among them. Each year 40 to 45 children are accommodated in this centre.

We started our second centre, Shikshana Mitra II in 2010, to help the children of construction workers at the Manyatha Tech Park near Hebbal.

This population consists of migrants from northern Karnataka who have come in search of work due to natural calamity in 2009. These families are engaged in daily wage work. Due to low wages, they are not able to fulfil their basic needs like nutritious food, clothing, house, etc. More than 4 people live in small plastic covered tents or thatched houses which are smaller than 4’ x 3 ’meters.

Makkala Mitra residential centers

Sparsha Trust opened two (friend for children) centres in 2011. Makkala Mitra I is located in Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Mysore Road, Bangalore, while Makkala Mitra II, is located in Hoskote.

These are 24-hour residential shelters for children that need care, protection and development opportunities. We provide food, “bridge” education, school enrollment, health care, sports and games for the kids.

These two centres bring relief to parents as their children are safe and taken care of in a proper manner in their absence. Their own work schedule and family circumstances lead to neglect of the children.

Through the contact points, day care centres located in the area, Makkala Mitra I reaches out to up to 70 children, while 25 to 30 children come in to the Shelter on a daily basis.

Chinnara Thangudhama residential shelter

Sparsha Trust opened this “children’s residence” centre in 2010 for boys above 14 years. The centre serves 25-30 boys.

Boys from other programmes of Sparsha Trust come to this shelter when they cross 14 years of age and stay until they complete their education or get a job. They receive food, educational materials, support in studying, health care and career counseling.

Apta Mitra night shelter

Since 2012, Sparsha trust has managed a night shelter known as Apta Mitra (friend of those in distress or need) for up to 60 homeless people in urban Bangalore. The centre is located in Ulsoor, and is funded by Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palike.

Apta Mitra provides night shelter for those adults living in dire circumstances or in abject poverty. These persons come in to the centre in the evening to sleep and leave in the morning for their respective work.

The absence of children, relatives or a spouse can make the inmates feel depressed and isolated. Sparsha Trust regularly counsels them to assist them to maintain a positive attitude towards life.

Recognizing the importance of recreation in the lives of the elderly staying in Apta Mitra, Sparsha Trust organizes actiities such as a one-day trip to Mysore. The break from the routine brings cheer to the lives of the shelter’s residents. All the logistics of travel and food are covered by Sparsha Trust.

Mobile Crèches

Sparsha Trust initiated three mobile crèches – two at Mestripalya, behind Manyata Tech Park and one at Hommbale Construction, Kommaghatta, near NICE Road.

Through this project, children who pass their time in a semi-constructed room without proper food or meaningful activity are given food and health care. Although they do not attend school, the project enrolls them in an informal educational system thereby ensuring that the children are able to learn different subjects. Depending upon the age group, the children are taught alphabets to basic levels of different subjects.

Services include:

  • Teaching the basics of Kannada, English and Hindi
  • Sports, Crafts, Drawing, Music, Yoga, Dance and Other Cultural Activities
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Snacks along with Dinner
  • Safe area for relaxation and sleep
  • Exposure trips
  • Monthly meetings with parents and community
  • Regular medical checkups

Save Me contact points

Sparsha Trust opened four new service centres in 2016 for children of construction workers. These “contact points” are located at Nayandahalli, Hoskote, and Mestripalya.

During 2016, about 150 children have benefitted by getting access to nutrient enriched food, and quarterly health check ups. About 50 children have become enrolled in school. The parents of the children, who otherwise did not take time out for them, became engaged in the children’s development.

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